Meet Eva and Her Famiy
Even though Eva was pregnant with her second child, she was very excited a few months ago when she found a job cleaning once a week in Potrerillos, a short bus ride from her home. With a little training she became quite proficient. Her employer found her to be a diligent worker and an enjoyable companion. But with the recent birth of her daughter, Sophia, Eva could no longer work and provide a little income to help support Henry, her six year-old son, herself and the baby. The children’s father does not help them and has moved from the area, so Eva has turned to Buenos Vecinos for the non-perishable food we supply on a monthly basis.
Eva and her little family share a three-room zinc-sided dirt-floor house with her cousin Marina, who has three children (but also no support) and with her aunt and uncle and their four children. The house has no indoor water or electricity. But Eva has plans; she wants to learn a little English, gather more experience and eventually secure more housekeeping jobs. She hopes to someday build her own tiny bamboo house next to her aunt and uncle’s dwelling. But for now, she is just grateful to have the housing assistance from her extended family and food from BVB.
Buenos Vecinos de Boquete depends on your support to feed and nourish families like Eva’s